On the sea of life there is always a ship of fools.
Tragedy is when good citizens are betrayed by their political class.
The unexamined life opens the door for evil.
Create love. Leave the bad stuff to fate. Fate needs no help from you.
Let unhappiness never be the result of what you do. That’s the job of fate.
Worry about the things you can change. Ignore the things you can’t change.
Good and Bad often wear each other’s clothes.
The future is already here. Look, you will see.
Why do millions submit to the will of one man? Don’t be one of the million. Think.
What is the passing of time but the voice of God calling you to account for your life thus far?
Our ecosystem is based on the principle of everything eats everything else. How cruel. The fish in the sea, the gazelles on the plains and all living things exist in fear of being eaten.
Empty socialising is a thief of time.
If God made the world in six days it goes to show what you get from a rushed job.
In spite of the blemishes of the world, we see beauty in nature..
Aliens may know we’re here. They just don’t want to get involved.
Those who have power have no brains. Those who have brains have no power. This is our problem.
The day has come. The hour is now. Let the beast be slain.